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According to our analisis of tens of hundreds of webpages over almost 10 years of making websites, every page shares this basic structure elements and most of the time in this order:

  • HEAD
  • EXTRAS (optional)

VIVOE provides by default the content of this basic elements using php constants, that should be included directly in your template(s):

  • HEAD
  • EXTRAS (optional)

As you can see, most of the pieces required to build a basic website are ready to be used out of the box with VIVOE. To insert this pieces in you template, simply use standar php embeding code i.e <?=VIVOE_FOOTER?>. With the experience, this embedding code turned out to be a little confusing when designing the templates, so we create a simple more meaningful command; show(), so when reading your html template's code it is more easy to understand what is this code doing. This way, you may prefer to use:


Anyway, despite of what other CMSs may require, in VIVOE all of this pieces are absolute optional, except for VIVOE_CONTENT.

That is, you can choose to use your own metas, your own navigation menus and your own footer in your template, and you will have a functional site anyway. (ok. avoiding the automatic generated menus may sound silly at first, but if your site is a small one, you can use them at design time and end up using a simple flash header with the final links on it, thus eliminating the constants for menus on the final template)


usage: <?show('VIVOE_PAGETITLE')?>

This is the title of the page, aimed to be used in the <title> tags, so the usual way to use it is on the title of your site, i.e. <title>MySiteName - <?show('VIVOE_TITLE')?></title>.
Anyway, it can be used in any of the parts of your design.


usage: <?show('VIVOE_METAS')?>

Place the basic meta tags for keywords, description and author on the header. The content of this metas are controled by site configuration on the admin menu. Also, VIVOE will insert all defined keywords that an article or a page has defined, making it easyer for searc engines to rank your site's content.


usage: <?show('VIVOE_STYLES')?>

Place the required links on the page's header to have control of the theme used by your site as defined in the configuration menu.This insert a link to the style sheet named styles.css on your theme folder, and also links to a special style sheet named ie.css on the same folder to handle exceptions for IE browser. This ie.css file is not required and will not be loaded by any other compilant browser. If it doesn't exist will be silently ignored by IE. (My advice in this case is... change the browser, of course).


usage: <?show('VIVOE_MENU_PAGES')?>

Place the autogenerated menu comming from the pages structure.


usage: <?show('VIVOE_MENU_ARTICLES')?>

Place the autogenerated menu for articles. If you are designing a blog section, this is the menu to show.


usage: <?show('VIVOE_MENU_USER')?>

Place the menu generated by the user in the Menu section of the admin. This menu is intended to point to specific places inside or outside the site.


usage: <?show('VIVOE_CONTENT')?>

This is the main purpose on using VIVOE and any CMS. This is where the content is placed inside the page. Depending if it is a frontpage or a content page, the content displayed may vary.


usage: <?show('VIVOE_FOOTER')?>

The footer of the website, including the copyright notice defined in configs.



Vivoe has several prebuild modules that can be inserted anywhere in your templates with the structure [ [vivoe:xxxx options ]]


usage: [ [vivoe:calendar]]

Displays a calendar with article dates marked on it, intended to be used as a date navigation sistem in a blog.


usage: [ [vivoe:cufon font="fontname" tag="replacement"]]

VIVOE has a collection of prebuild font sets avaliable using Cufon. It is somewhat deprecated in favor of the more flexible Google Fonts, but some of the VIVOE font sets are a little fancier that the Google's ones. This should be inserted in the header section of the page.

Facebook Comments

usage: [ [vivoe:fbcomments]]

Facebook comments inserts the facebook's code required to insert comments after articles or pages. Notice that you have an appId and a id of the administrator in order to configure options in the Admin section of the nodule. Refer to for more information on the subject.


usage: [ [vivoe:formbuilder id="formid"]]

Form builder allows you to create a lot of contact or registration forms for your site, where "formid" is the id you define for each of this forms.

Image Box

usage: [ [vivoe:imagebox gallery="Gallery to display" mode="fancybox"]]

An oldie but goodie gallery script, including the jquery plugin fancybox

Mail It!

usage: [ [vivoe:mailit]]

An old script to "send this page to a friend"


News Feed

usage: [ [vivoe:newsfeed url="" maxitems="10" title="Search Engine Roundtable" class="rssnews" refresh="4"]]

Display a RSS news feed from another site. You can set:

maxitems = Maximum items shown on the site
title = Title for the rss feed
class = CSS class used for the RSS block
refresh = How often the rss feed will be updated. Time is in minutes



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